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Hilo Laser Skincare

Laser Aesthetic Specialist located in Hilo, HI

Dark Spots Treatment Specialist

The Picosure® laser from Cynosure offers an amazing state of the art option for dark spots treatment. There's virtually no downtime at all, and Hilo Laser Skincare in Hilo, Hawaii can schedule an appointment whenever it's most convenient for you. Soon you can say goodbye to those dark spots and hello to beautiful clear skin! Call to schedule an appointment with us.

Dark Spots Treatment Q & A

Why do dark spots develop?

Dark spots develop over time for many people, and they're also most likely to develop if you're out in the sun a lot. Some skin tones are more likely to develop dark spots, especially Asian skin or other dark skin tones.

How does the Picosure laser work?

The Picosure laser works by targeting the dark pigment in the skin. The Picosure pulse laser is different than other types of lasers because it doesn't use heat to destroy the pigment. Instead, the Picosure laser uses non-thermal acoustic energy, delivered in picosecond bursts. This laser light passes through the top layer of skin without damaging it. The Picosure laser light essentially shatters the dark pigment into countless small pieces. Those pieces of dark pigment are then gradually moved into your bloodstream and eventually flushed from your body during normal metabolic functions.

Who is a good candidate for Picosure dark spots treatment?

Patients with any skin tone can have dark spots treatment with Picosure.

What does the dark spots treatment feel like?

The dark spots treatment is usually very well tolerated by most patients. An anesthetic cream is applied prior to treatment. You may feel a slight snapping sensation during the treatment, but most patients don't find it uncomfortable at all. The whole treatment process takes only minutes, so any minor discomfort is very short-lived.

What happens after treatment?

After treatment, you may experience some redness in the treatment area. The dark spot may temporarily look darker, but it will soon start to slough away. Over the coming weeks, the dark pigment will continue to dissipate. By the time you're around three or four weeks post treatment, you can expect to see a significant lightening.

How many treatments are needed in total?

This can vary depending on the patient. For most patients, it takes three or four treatments to see optimal results. Every patient is unique, so Dr. Miyashiro will work with you to design a customized dark spots treatment plan that really works.

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